
This package contains code that is privative of the Seventh International Planning Competition. While it might be useful to reproduce the official results of the Competition, it is not intended for a general use. Hence, the suffix Private.

As a matter of fact, this package consists of a single module unsharaabi.py which is described in the next section.


The name of this module comes from the fact that it explicitly undo most of the work of the planner Sharaabi in the plan solution files. This planner internally invokes the service of another one (SAPA) which writes a lot of ancilliary data (in the order of tens of Megabytes) to its standard output. This, being captured by Sharaabi, is sent to the plan.soln files. While writing a lot of data is not necessarily a problem, this extra information makes it impossible for the validation tool, VAL, to parse the solutions.

Because the original author of this planner did not find a way to avoid writing this extra amount of information to the plan solution files, a script is provided here to process these files. The package is located in:


The script acknowledges (other than the usual flags --help and –version) the directive --directory which specifies the root directory of the tree structure to process.


All plan solution files either in the specified directory with --directory or under it are processed. The script does not check the name of the planner who produced every plan solution file. If it is invoked on the directory of another planner, the results are unpredictable.

Upon completion, the script leaves a copy of each plan.soln file generated so far with its name reversed. The new file contains only the text that was embraced between Original plan returned by Sapa and End original plan in the original plan solution file. If no text was found between these lines or even if these lines did not appear, an empty file results which is then deleted to signal that no solution was found.

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